Nestled into an outbuilding of a farmplace is Kruse Stained Glass of Hartington, Nebraska. Surrounde...
With the holidays approaching, shoppers will soon be eying an abundance of devices and gadgets to gi...

Wind is Soaring

In the U.S., wind currently generates twice the amount of electricity it did five years ago and prov...

Chasing Carbon

Forests store carbon. That is a fact. However, what happens when disturbances such as wildfire, inse...
We take electricity for granted in Nebraska and the entire United States for that matter. The folks ...

Firsts of Fontanelle

One conversation with an Indian leader. One letter on a rubber stamp. One twist in the route of a ra...
Hosted jointly with Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Department of Education’s annual Farm-to-School...

EV Charging Safety Tips

Charging is a crucial concern among new electric vehicle (EV) owners, whether plug-in hybrid or full...